HYPNO-BAND more information

First, you should check to see if your Body Mass Index (BMI) is over 30, which is the starting point for this specific therapy. If your BMI is less than 30 we can help and would recommmend a different protocol.

1. Calculate your BMI. If 25 or greater continue to step 2. If less than 25 go here.

Weight (in Kilos) Height (in Centimeters)


2. We will need a referral from your local Doctor, you can download a copy of the form here. If you do not have a Doctor we can arrange one for you.

3. Next, you should contact us for an initial assessment. Here we will confirm your suitability for HYPNO-BAND therapy, and answer all your questions. Depending upon your BMI, lifestyle, and medical history we will recommend between 4 and 6 sessions over 6 to 8 weeks. Each session will last between 45 and 90 minutes.

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